Karate, Kickboxing, and Tae-Bo in the Atlanta, GA Area
Tony Young All-Star Karate Academy provides instruction in Karate, Kickboxing, and Tae-Bo in the Atlanta, GA area.
We hope you enjoy our website and will stop by and visit us if you are in the area. Our website is designed to give you information about our facility, our style of martial arts, our staff and provide you with information on how to contact us as well.
The Tony Young Karate Academy teaches male and female students ages 4 to 75. Students are taught karate as a means of developing the mind and body as a weapon for self defense, which should be respected and used wisely.
Keywords: Karate, Kickboxing, Tae-Bo. Aerobics, Aerobics Fitness, Health & Fitness, Martial Arts,